Old Timey Clips

over 15,000 video clips


Search. Download. Have Fun.

This project was started to simply have some fun. I wanted to make it easy to find and add video clips to social media “conversations”… without doing anything illegal of course. So, in order to do this, I’ve curated thousands of video clips from public domain movies and cartoons… with more slated to be pulled from TV shows and documentaries in the future.

The underlying theme of this site is to leverage Public Domain assets in an effort to minimize any copyright issues with using the clips in social media and video projects… so you (and I) don’t get in trouble with our legal friends.

I’ve always liked using GIF’s, but if it included a person, there were many times that I wanted to hear what they were saying… for a little extra oomph to the clip. And so this site was born. Think of these clips as next level GIFs, where sound helps to better animate what emotion or thought you’re trying to communicate.

Please feel free to use the clips you find here to add a little extra fun to your social media posts and for creative ways to react to someone else’s comment too. You can also make montages with these clips, or maybe just add a clip or two to your YouTube videos for a bit of entertainment.

Search. Download. Have Fun.